March 28, 2022



  1. Call to Order – Please Stand for a Moment of Silence
  2. Public Comments (5 Minutes) – John DeBartola
  3. Approval of Minutes from the February 28, 2022 and March 14, 2022 meetings (Board Action Required)
  4. Treasurer’s Report
  5. Finance Report
  6. Committee Reports:
  7. Veterans Committee
  8. Tomahawks Committee
  9. Facilities Committee–Payment of Invoice for Altoona Roofing (Board Action Required)
  10. Finance Committee
  11. General Manager’s Report
    1. Finalize bid process for broadband network (Board Action Required)
    2. Zamboni Repairs (Board Action Required)
    3. Ice Plant Upgrades (Board Action Required)
    4. Arena Glass Purchase (Board Action Required)
    5. Billboard Project (Board Action Required)
    6. NCRC Projects (Board Action Required)
    7. Boiler Repairs (Board Action Required)
    8. Fitness Center Project (Board Action Required)
    9. 1st Summit Arena Building Repairs (Board Action Required)
    10. ASM global Representative
    11. Event Schedule
    12. Staffing
    13. Building Maintenance
    14. Tomahawks Contract
  12. Chairman’s Report – Chris Glessner
  13. Old Business
  14. New Business
  15. Adjournment

Next Meeting:  April 25, 2022


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